For best customer experience, all the orders are shipped within 3-4 working days. Every
product has its shipping date and time depending on your zip code and delivery route.
But we have also integrated an option to specify a shipping date.
You will receive an email from us one day before delivery with a planned delivery date.
The time for the delivery depends upon the product you ordered and your delivery
The shipping charges are not fixed and depend upon the destination to which the products
need to be delivered at. We also have the option for directly picking up the products
from our store available.
For your ease you can track and trace the status of your order through our track and
trace page. In case you are not at home during delivery, the product will be handed over
to the other family member or your neighbors following with a message in your mailbox
with information about where the order was delivered.
NOTE: The Products to be sell in bulk the Agreement terms between
the parties shall prevail.